Major changes are predicted for the employment market in 2023:
Reports show that new positions entering the market will not be a challenge but retaining talent will be.
Key trends from the report:
- 1/3 of the workforce will look for a new job this year and 25% of those people are looking for new jobs due to the rising costs of living
- 47% of people did not receive a raise in the past year
- 4/5 workers do not feel secure professional and financially
- 1/3 workers have at least one side hustle in addition to primary source of income
- Job applications are back up (+20%) and so is hiring (+9%) – employee retention is the problem
- Though jobs have been fully recouped since the pandemic, industries like healthcare, retail, and tech are having a harder time filling reqs
- 93% of workers say flexibility is top of mind when deciding on a job (regarding remote / on-site work)
- Workers want flexibility, but believe they are less likely to be promoted or receive training if they are remote vs on-site
- Traditional benefits (healthcare, dental, etc) are heavily weighted in an offer while non-traditional ones (mental health days, gym membership, etc) are significantly less important